Dream Big - Reed Switzer ep. 043

Reed Switzer, Rick Haney and Kaleem Clarkson
RemotelyOne Episode Image
42 minutes

In this fun-filled episode, Kaleem and a temporarily audio-challenged Rick have a chat with Reed Switzer, Founder and CEO of Hopscotch.  Hopscotch all in one payments platform that enables freelancers & small businesses to pay and get paid in real-time with zero fees. Think CashApp or Venmo for B2B payments. 

Reed's story is nothing short of inspiring. As someone who battled Dyslexia at an early age, his refusal to define it as a disability was paramount to a successful mindset. That mindset led him to the Wharton School, where he studied economics. Now a successful CEO, he still refers to his enrollment there as "on leave to build something special." 

This was a fun one, with lots of great insight from a guy who just knows how to make it happen. Well done, Reed! Come back anytime for a few laughs!