Say Yes To The Desk: The Versatile Workstation - Colin Dowdle ep. 045

Colin Dowdle, Rick Haney and Kaleem Clarkson
RemotelyOne Episode Image
40 minutes

In today's episode, Rick and Kaleem chat with Colin Dowdle, Co-Founder and CEO of Lillipad, the world's most versatile workstation that reimagines work flexibility for better living. 

A Chicago native, Colin began his entrepreneurial journey in high school and college. In the summer he built surfboards, and he spent his winters building backyard hockey rinks in the suburbs. He was the first student to graduate with an Entrepreneur Degree from Marquette University, an honor that, given his creativity and work ethic, is well deserved.

The story of Lillipad is as interesting as it is inspiring. He was working remotely, living with three roommates and limited for space to get his work done. This was the triple crown of issues facing any young professional trying to make their way, and Colin saw the need for a versatile, no-assembly required, single box workstation. Fully integrated and storable beneath the bed, in a closet, or similarly small spaces, his creation could not have arrived at a better time, as the pandemic landed and the world was forced to work from home. 

Our hats off to you, Colin! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your wonderful story and creation with Remotely One!